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نموذج اللوحة الأم لغطاء الطباخ PCB - UGPCB

لوحة PCB القياسية/

نموذج اللوحة الأم لغطاء الطباخ PCB

اسم: cooker hood mother board PCB

Plate: KB6165G

سمك اللوحة: 1.6مم

طبقات: 2L

مقاس: 82.63*46.7مم

Minimum aperture: 0.296مم

Line width/moment: 0.342*0.37مم

سمك رقائق النحاس: 1/1أوقية

المعالجة السطحية: gold plating process

Solder mask/character: black oil and white characters

  • تفاصيل المنتج

Purpose and Functionality

Working range hoods are designed to remove grease, cooking odors and fumes from kitchen air while reducing the amount of grease buildup. So if your range hood refuses to cooperate, this replacement PCB should help keep your kitchen odor and grease free while you cook delicious meals.


Model-specific Original Spare Parts

Model-specific original spare parts for AEG, Electrolux, and Juno cooker hoods.

Important Note

Please check the appropriate model fit list to ensure this is the correct part for your device.



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