تصميم ثنائي الفينيل متعدد الكلور, تصنيع ثنائي الفينيل متعدد الكلور, تجميع ثنائي الفينيل متعدد الكلور, بيكفد, واختيار المكون مع خدمة واحدة

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روجرز RO3010 ثنائي الفينيل متعدد الكلور (روجرز 3010) مادة

روجرز RO3010 ثنائي الفينيل متعدد الكلور (روجرز 3010) مادة

Features of Rogers RO3010 Advanced Circuit Materials

Rogers RO3010 advanced circuit materials are ceramic-filled PTFE composites that offer a higher dielectric constant with excellent stability. These laminates are competitively priced products with exceptional mechanical and electrical stability, simplifying the design of broadband components. The material’s characteristics make RO3010 laminates excellent for circuit miniaturization.

Key Properties

  • Dk: 10.2 +/- .30
  • Dissipation factor: .0022 at 10 GHz
  • CTE (Coefficient of Thermal Expansion): Low X, Y, and Z axis CTE of 13, 11, و 16 ppm/°C, respectively

Benefits of Using Rogers RO3010 PCB Material

The Rogers RO3010 PCB material exhibits dimensional stability with an expansion coefficient matched to copper, making it highly suitable for multilayer board designs. بالإضافة إلى ذلك, it is ISO 9001 Certified, ensuring high quality and reliability. This makes it ideal for various applications across a very broad range of frequencies.

روجرز RO3010 ثنائي الفينيل متعدد الكلور(روجرز 3010) material Rogers RO3010 advanced circuit materials are ceramic-filled PTFE composites that offer a higher dielectric constant with excellent stability.



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