A digital circuit or digital integrated circuit is a complex circuit composed of many logic gates. Compared with analog circuits, it mainly processes digital signals (das heißt, the signal is represented by two states, 0 Und 1), so it has stronger anti-interference ability. Digital integrated circuits have various gate circuits, triggers, and various combinational logic circuits and sequential logic circuits composed of them. Digital systems are generally composed of control units and arithmetic units. Driven by the clock, the control unit controls the arithmetic unit to complete the action to be performed. Through analog-to-digital converters and digital-to-analog converters, digital circuits can be connected to analog circuits.
Circuit Research
The main problem of digital circuit research is the logical relationship between the state of the output signal (“0” or “1”) and the input signal (“0” or “1”), das heißt, the logical function of the circuit.
The research method of digital circuits is logic analysis and logic design, and the tools required are logic algebra. (In positive logic, “0” is a low level, “1” is a high level, and there is no clear boundary between high and low levels)
The reasons why electronic devices process information from analog to digital processing are mainly the following:
- Good stability. Digital circuits are not as susceptible to noise as analog circuits.
- High reliability. In digital circuits, it is only necessary to distinguish whether a signal is present or not, so the parameters of the components of the circuit can allow a wide range of changes (drift).
- Can be stored for a long time. Digital information can be stored for a long time using certain media, such as tapes, disks, and CDs.
- Easy to process by computer. In addition to the advantages of being intuitive and accurate, the most important thing about digital signal output is that it is convenient to use electronic computers to process information.
- Easy to be highly integrated. Since the structure of the basic unit circuit in the digital circuit is relatively simple, the components are allowed to have greater discreteness, which allows us to not only make many basic units on the same silicon wafer, but also achieve mass production. Required output.
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