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Rogers RT/duroid 5870 Materialspezifikation - UGPCB


Rogers RT/duroid 5870 Materialspezifikation

Überblick über Rogers RT/Duroid 5870 High Frequency Laminates

Rogers RT/duroid 5870 Hochfrequenzlaminate sind PTFE -Verbundwerkstoffe, die mit Glasmikrofasern verstärkt sind. Diese Laminate bieten Hochfrequenzleistung mit einer niedrigen Dielektrizitätskonstante (Dk). The randomly oriented microfibers in the PTFE composites result in exceptional Dk uniformity, making them well suited for high frequency/broadband applications where dispersion and losses need to be minimized.

Key Features of Rogers RT5870 PCB Material

Dielectric Constant and Dissipation Factor

  • Dielektrizitätskonstante (Dk): 2.33 +/- .02
  • Dissipationsfaktor: .0012 bei 10 GHz

Physical Properties

  • Low moisture absorption
  • Easily cut, shared, and machined to shape
  • Resistant to solvents and reagents used in etching or plating edges and holes

Benefits of Using Rogers RT5870 PCB Material

Electrical Performance

  • Lowest electrical loss for reinforced PTFE material
  • Uniform electrical properties over a wide frequency range

Durability and Usability

  • Ideal for high moisture environments
  • Well-established material with proven performance
  • Ease of machining and handling



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