Descripción general
Circuitos UGPCB limitados (UGPCB®.com) is a high-tech enterprise focused on the R&D and production of high-end PCB. UGPCB®.com has independently developed the PCB automatic quotation and order system, which is the first in the industry. Our final goal is to leverage the Internet + to build a smart PCB factory of Industry 4.0, providing customers with professional PCB technology and production services.
UGPCB®.com Products
UGPCB®.com offers a wide range of PCB products including:
- Radio/Microwave/Hybrid High Frequency
- FR4 Double/Multi-Layer
- 1~3+N+3 HDI
- Anylayer HDI
- Rigid-Flex
- Blind Buried
- Blind Slot
- Backdrilled
- CI
- Heavy Copper Board
These PCBs are applicable in various fields such as Industry 4.0, Comunicación, Controles Industriales, Digital, Fuente de alimentación, Computadora, Automotor, Médico, Aeroespacial, Instrumentos, Military, Internet, and others.
RF/Microwave PCB Material
The RF/Microwave PCB material offered by UGPCB includes:
- Rogers RO4350B / RO3003 / RO4003 / RO3006 / RT/Duroid 5880 / RT5870
- Arlón / Isla / tacónico / PTFE F4BM / Teflon material
Hybrid PCB Material (Mixed Dielectric / Laminado)
Hybrid PCB material offered by UGPCB includes combinations such as:
- Rogers RO4350B + FR4 / RO4350B + IT180 / RO4003C + FR4 / RO3010 + FR4 / RO3003 + FR4 / RO3010 + FR4
Radio Frequency (RF) Microwave PCB Application
RF Microwave PCBs are used in various fields such as:
- Electrónica de Consumo
- Military/Space
- High Power
- Médico
- Automotor
- Industrial
RF PCB Manufacturing
Acabado de superficies
UGPCB offers various surface finishing options for RF PCBs such as:
- OSP / ACEPTAR / HASL LF / Plated gold / flash gold / Immersion Tin / Plata de inmersión / Electrolytic gold
UGPCB has the capacity to produce RF PCBs with features such as:
- Golden finger
- Heavy copper
- Blind buried via
- Impendance control
- Filled with resin
- Carbon ink
- Backdrill
- Countersink
- Depth drilling
- Half plated hole
- Pressfit hole
- Peelable blue mask
- Peelable solderstop
- Thick copper
- Oversize
The material used for RF PCBs includes:
- Rogers RO4350B / RO3003 / RO4003 / RO3006 / RT/Duroid 5880 / RT5870
- Arlón / Isla / tacónico / PTFE F4BM / Teflon material
UGPCB can produce RF PCBs with layer counts ranging from:
- 2L to 30L
Constante dieléctrica (DK)
The dielectric constant (DK) options for RF PCBs include:
- 2.20 / 2.55 / 3.00 / 3.38 / 3.48 / 3.50 / 3.6 / 6.15 / 10.2
The applications for RF PCBs include:
- Electrónica de Consumo
- Military/Space
- Antenna & Communications System
- High Power
- Médico
- Automotor
- Industrial
- Handheld device cellular
- Wifi Antenna
- Telematics and infotainment
- Wifi/Computing/Radar/Power Amplifiers