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Placa de circuito PCB de teflón F4BM de dos capas - y

PCB de alta frecuencia/

Placa de circuito PCB de teflón F4BM de dos capas

Modelo : PTFE Microwave F4BM-2 220

Material : F4BM-2 220

Capa : 2PCB de capas

DK : 2.2

Espesor terminado : 1.0MM

Espesor de cobre : 1ONZ

Dielectric Thickness : 0.8milímetros

Conductividad térmica : 0.3~0.5w/m.k

FlamabilityUL 94-V-0

Tratamiento superficial:OSP

  • Detalles del producto


Teflon high-frequency microwave PCB board

Teflon high-frequency microwave PCB board

The PCB material used by teflon PCB, F4BM is laminated by glass woven cloth, película adhesiva, Teflon resin and polytetrafluoroethylene film, in accordance with scientific formula and strict technological process. This product has certain advantages over the F4B series in electrical performance (un rango más amplio de constante dieléctrica, lower dielectric loss tangent, increased resistance, and more stable performance).

Constante dieléctrica: 2.20 2.55 2.65 3.0

Dimensión(milímetros): 300*250 380*350 440*550 500*500 460*610 600*500 840*840 840*1200 1500*1000

Para dimensiones especiales,customized laminates is available.

Laminate thickness(milímetros): 0.25 0.5 0.8 1.0 1.5 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0

Teflon high-frequency microwave PCB board

Teflon high-frequency microwave PCB board

Teflon PCB is widely used to replace ordinary FR4 board because of its excellent characteristics such as good weather resistance, high insulation, high lubrication, non adhesion and non toxicity. Sin embargo, compared with ordinary FR4 board, Teflon PCB board is the smallest surface tension in solid materials, does not adhere to any substances, and has very small mechanical properties. Its friction coefficient is only 1 / 5 of that of polyethylene, This is an important feature of perfluorocarbon surface. Además, due to the low intermolecular force of fluorine carbon chain, Teflon is not sticky, so it is not easy to adhere to the surface of the substrate in the production process of Teflon PCB.

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1. Quick respond,24 hours online service

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Visualización del proyecto real:

The dielectric DK is wider, the tangential value of DF Angle is lower, the resistance value increases, and the performance is more stable.

RF/Microwave Teflon PCB application

Teflon PCB with radio frequency(Placa de circuito impreso RF) son una técnica cada vez más utilizada dentro de la industria de PCB.

–PCB RF de alta frecuencia con trabajos anteriores 100 megahercio.

–PCB de microondas con trabajos anteriores 2 frecuencia de radio GHz.

Teflon PCB are used in different applications such as remote controls(controles inalámbricos)seguridad,teléfonos inteligentes,sensores, etc..

Las nuevas tecnologías hacen cada vez más uso de estas aplicaciones de RF.

Esto requiere una fabricación de acuerdo con altos estándares de calidad y la elección de los materiales de RF adecuados según la aplicación..

It is important that one knows the properties of the various materials. Choosing the right material is perhaps the most critical decision in the production process of the Teflon PCB.



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