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Spécification matérielle Rogers RO4003C - UGPCB

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Spécification matérielle Rogers RO4003C

Non-Brominated RO4003C Materials

Rogers RO4003C materials are non-brominated and are not UL 94 V-0 classé. Pour les applications ou les conceptions nécessitant un ul 94 V-0 cote de flamme, Les stratifiés RO4835 et RO4350B répondent à cette exigence.

Proprietary Woven Glass Reinforced


Rogers RO4003C materials are proprietary woven glass reinforced hydrocarbon/ceramics with the electrical performance of PTFE/woven glass and the manufacturability of epoxy/glass. Offered in various configurations, RO4003C utilizes both 1080 et 1674 glass fabric styles with all configurations meeting the same laminate electrical performance specification.

Cost-Effective Dielectric Control and Low Loss

RO4003C provides tight control on dielectric constant and low loss while utilizing the same processing method as standard epoxy/glass but at a fraction of the cost of conventional microwave laminates. Unlike PTFE based microwave materials, no special through-hole treatments or handling procedures are required.

High Frequency Circuit Materials

The Rogers RO4000 series of high frequency circuit materials are glass reinforced hydrocarbon and ceramic (non Teflon PCB) laminates designed for performance sensitive mass commercial applications. Rogers RO4000 PCB is designed to provide excellent high frequency performance and low cost circuit manufacturing. The result is a low loss material that can be manufactured using the standard epoxy / verre (FR4) process.

Rogers RO4003C Material Specification

Rogers RO4003C features include:

  • Dk de 3.38 +/- 0.05
  • Facteur de dissipation de 0.0027 à 10 GHz
  • Low Z-axis coefficient of thermal expansion at 46 ppm/°C

Benefits of Rogers RO4003C

  • Idéal pour la carte multicouche (MLB) constructions
  • Processes like FR-4 at lower fabrication cost
  • Designed for performance sensitive, high volume applications
  • Competitively priced

Typical Applications of Rogers RO4003C

High reliability aerospace and defense, a wide range of typical and non-traditional microwave/RF applications.



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