Physical and Thermal Characteristics
Température de transition du verre (Tg)
- Méthode: IPC-TM-650 2.4.25
- Condition: DSC
- Unité: Degree Celsius
- Typical Value: 140
Température de décomposition thermique (Td)
- Méthode: IPC-TM-650
- Condition: 5% wt. loss
- Unité: Degree Celsius
- Typical Value: 310
Coefficient de dilatation thermique (CTE) – Z-axis
- Pre Tg:
- Méthode: IPC-TM-650 2.4.24
- Unité: ppm/degree Celsius
- Typical Value: 65
- Post Tg:
- Méthode: IPC-TM-650 2.4.24
- Unité: ppm/degree Celsius
- Typical Value: 300
Linear Expansion (50-260 Degree Celsius)
- Méthode: IPC-TM-650
- Condition: TMA, min
- Unité: %
- Typical Value: 4.5
Thermal Stress Resistance
- Méthode: IPC-TM-650
- Condition: 288 degré Celsius, solder dip
- Typical Value: No Delamination after 60 secondes
Electrical Properties
Volume Resistivity
- After Moisture Resistance:
- Méthode: IPC-TM-650
- Unité: MΩ·cm
- Typical Value: 5.2E+08
- E-24/125:
- Unité: MΩ·cm
- Typical Value: 5.2E+06
Surface Resistivity
- After Moisture Resistance:
- Méthode: IPC-TM-650
- Unité: MΩ
- Typical Value: 5.4E+07
- E-24/125:
- Unité: MΩ
- Typical Value: 5.6E+06
Arc Resistance
- Méthode: IPC-TM-650 2.5.1
- Condition: D-48/50+D-4/23
- Unité: Seconds (s)
- Typical Value: 120
Dielectric Breakdown
- Méthode: IPC-TM-650 2.5.6
- Condition: D-48/50+D-4/23
- Unité: Kilovolts (kV)
- Typical Value: 60
Mechanical Properties
Dissipation Constant (Ne sait pas)
- Méthode: IPC-TM-650
- Frequency: 1MHz
- Typical Value: 4.6
- IEC 61189-2-721 à 10 GHz: Not specified
Dissipation Factor (Df)
- Méthode: IPC-TM-650
- Frequency: 1MHz
- Typical Value: 0.015
- IEC 61189-2-721 à 10 GHz: Not specified
Peel Strength and Flexural Strength
Peel Strength (1Oz HTE copper foil)
- Initial: N/mm – Not specified
- After Thermal Stress at 288 Degree Celsius for 10s: N/mm – 1.8
- At 125 Degree Celsius: N/mm – 1.6
Flexural Strength
- Longitudinal (LW):
- Méthode: IPC-TM-650 2.4.4
- Typical Value: 600 MPa
- Crosswise (CW):
- Méthode: IPC-TM-650 2.4.4
- Typical Value: 500 MPa
Environmental Resistance
Water Absorption
- Méthode: IPC-TM-650
- Condition: E-1/105+D-24/23
- Typical Value: 0.15%
Flammability and CTI Rating
CTI Rating (IEC60112)
Inflammabilité (UL94)
- Condition: C-48/23/50
- Rating: V-0
- E-24/125: Rating – V-0
Notes and References
- Specification Sheet Reference: IPC-4101/21 for reference only.
- Specimen Basis: All typical values based on a 1.6mm specimen, except Tg which applies to specimens ≥0.50mm.
- Disclaimer: The typical values listed are for reference only and not intended for specification purposes. For detailed information, contact Shengyi Technology Co., Ltée. All rights reserved by Shengyi Technology Co., Ltée.
- Explanation of Conditions:
- C = Humidity conditioning
- D = Immersion conditioning in distilled water
- E = Temperature conditioning