E,PCB, Personalizzazione PCBA e PECVD, produttore di prototipazione e produzione

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Scheda PCB per rilevatore di metalli - E

PCB multistrato/

Scheda PCB per rilevatore di metalli

Nome: Metal Detector PCB Circuit Board
Type: Multilayer Circuit Board
Strati: 4 strati
Substrato: FR-4 TG150/170/180
Spessore del rame: 0.5-6.0mm
Board Thickness: 0.5-7.0mm
Hole Diameter: 0.1mm
Trattamento superficiale: ENIG, HASP, OSP, ENEPIG, Flash Gold
Circuit Board Size: 52x67mm
Product Name: PCBA Assembly of Circuit Board
Solder Resist Color: Blu, Verde, Rosso, Nero, Bianco, ecc.

  • Dettagli del prodotto

A metal detector is a device specifically designed for detecting metals. It uses the principle of electromagnetic induction. The generated magnetic field can induce eddy currents inside the metal. These eddy currents create a magnetic field, and the detector will emit a sound.



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