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Rogers RT/duroid 5870 specifica del materiale - E

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Rogers RT/duroid 5870 specifica del materiale

Overview of Rogers RT/duroid 5870 High Frequency Laminates

Rogers RT/duroid 5870 high frequency laminates are PTFE composites reinforced with glass microfibers. These laminates offer high frequency performance with a low dielectric constant (Non so). The randomly oriented microfibers in the PTFE composites result in exceptional Dk uniformity, making them well suited for high frequency/broadband applications where dispersion and losses need to be minimized.

Key Features of Rogers RT5870 PCB Material

Dielectric Constant and Dissipation Factor

  • Costante dielettrica (Non so): 2.33 +/- .02
  • Fattore di dissipazione: .0012 at 10GHz

Physical Properties

  • Low moisture absorption
  • Easily cut, condiviso, e lavorato per modellare
  • Resistente ai solventi e ai reagenti utilizzati nell'incisione o nella placcatura di bordi e fori

Benefits of Using Rogers RT5870 PCB Material

Electrical Performance

  • Lowest electrical loss for reinforced PTFE material
  • Uniform electrical properties over a wide frequency range

Durability and Usability

  • Ideal for high moisture environments
  • Well-established material with proven performance
  • Ease of machining and handling



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