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F4BK-1/2 Teflon woven glass fabric copper-clad laminates - UGPCB

Elenco dei materiali PCB

F4BK-1/2 Teflon woven glass fabric copper-clad laminates

F4BK-1/2 Teflon Woven Glass Fabric Copper-Clad Laminates

F4BK-1/2 Teflon woven glass fabric copper-clad laminates is a composite of glass cloth, polytetrafluoroethylene resin and polytetrafluoroethylene, laminated in accordance with scientific formula and strict technological process. This product has certain advantages over the F4B series in terms of electrical performance (a wider range of dielectric constant).

Specifiche tecniche


Meet the specification requirements for the laminate of microwave PCB by National and Military Standards.


  • F4BK225
  • F4BK265

Costante dielettrica

  • 2.25
  • 2.65


  • 300*250
  • 380*350
  • 440*550
  • 500*500
  • 460*610
  • 600*500
  • 840*840
  • 1200*1000
  • 1500*1000 For special dimension, customized laminates are available.

Spessore e tolleranza(mm)

Spessore laminato Tolleranza
0.25 ± 0,025
0.5 ± 0,05
0.8 ± 0,05
1.0 ± 0,05
1.5 ± 0,05
2.0 ±0.075
3.0 ± 0,09
4.0 ±0.10
5.0 ±0.10

Lo spessore del laminato include lo spessore del rame. For special dimensions, customized laminates are available.

Resistenza meccanica


Spessore(mm) Warp massimo
Original board Single side
0.25~ 0,5 0.030
0.8~ 1.0 0.025
1.5~ 2.0 0.020
3.0~ 5.0 0.015

Forza di taglio/punzonatura

Thickness1mm No Burrs After Cutting Minimum Space Between Two Punching Holes No Delamination
>1mm 1.10mm

Forza della pelatura (1once di rame)

  • Stato normale: ≥12N/cm; Nessuna bolle o delaminazione. Peel strength ≥10N/cm (in constant humidity and temperature, and kept in melting solder at 260°C±2°C for 20 secondi).

Chemical Property

According to the properties of the laminate, the chemical etching method for PCB can be used. The dielectric properties of the laminate are not changed. The plating through hole can be done but the sodium treatment or the plasma treatment must be used.

Electrical Property

Nome Condizione di prova Unità Valore
Densità Stato normale g/cm³ 2.2~ 2.3
Assorbimento di umidità Immergere in acqua distillata 20 ± 2 ° C per 24 ore % ≤0.1
Temperatura operativa Camera di temperatura ad alta bassa ° C. -50°C~+250°C
Conducibilità termica W/m/k 0.3
Cte (tipico) ppm/° C.
εr :2.1~2.3 25(X), 34(y), 240(z)
εr :2.3~2.9 16(X), 21(y), 186(z)
Fattore di restringimento 2 ore in acqua bollente % ≤0.0002
Resistività superficiale M;
Stato normale ≥3*10^4
Umidità e temperatura costanti ≥8*10^3
Resistività al volume Mω · cm
Stato normale ≥2*10^6
Umidità e temperatura costanti ≥2*10^5
Resistenza dielettrica superficiale d = 1mm(Kv/mm)
Stato normale ≥1.2
Umidità e temperatura costanti ≥1.1
Costante dielettrica
10GHz εr
Fattore di dissipazione Tgside

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