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F4BME-2-A Teflon PCB Glass Fabric Copper-Clad Laminates - UGPCB

Elenco dei materiali PCB

F4BME-2-A Teflon PCB Glass Fabric Copper-Clad Laminates

F4BME-2-A Teflon PCB Glass Fabric Copper-Clad Laminates

F4BME-2-A Teflon PCB glass fabric copper-clad laminates are manufactured using imported woven glass fabric, Teflon PCB resin, and filler with a Nano-ceramic membrane. This product adheres to scientific formulations and stringent technological processes, utilizing low roughness copper foil. It surpasses the F4BM series in electrical performance and surface insulation resistance stability, boasting a higher intermodulation index than F4BME-1/2.

Specifiche tecniche

Aspetto: Meets the specification requirements for microwave PCB laminates according to National and Military Standards.


  • F4BME-2-A255
  • F4BME-2-A262
  • F4BME-2-A275
  • F4BME-2-A285
  • F4BME-2-A294
  • F4BME-2-A300

Dimensions (mm):

  • 550*440
  • 500*500
  • 600*500
  • 650*500
  • 1000*850
  • 1100*1000
  • 1220*1000
  • 1500*1000

Le dimensioni personalizzate sono disponibili su richiesta.

Spessore e tolleranza (mm):

Spessore laminato Tolleranza
0.254 ± 0,025
0.508 ± 0,05
0.762 ± 0,05
0.787 ± 0,05
1.016 ± 0,05
1.27 ± 0,05
1.524 ± 0,05
2.0 ±0.075
3.0 ± 0,09
4.0 ±0.1
5.0 ±0.1
6.0 ±0.12
9.0 ±0.18
10.0 ±0.18
12.0 ±0.2

Resistenza meccanica:

  • Cutting/Punching:
    • Spessore <1mm: Nessun bara dopo il taglio; minimum space between two punching holes is 0.55mm, Nessuna delaminazione.
    • Spessore >1mm: Nessun bara dopo il taglio; minimum space between two punching holes is 1.10mm, Nessuna delaminazione.
  • Forza della pelatura (1once di rame):
    • Stato normale: ≥14N/cm; No bubble or delamination peel strength: ≥12N/cm (under constant humidity and temperature, kept in melting solder at 265°C ±2°C for 20 secondi).

Chemical Property: The chemical etching method for PCB can be used without altering the dielectric properties of the laminate. Plating through holes requires sodium treatment or plasma treatment.

Electrical Property:

Nome Condizione di prova Unità Valore
Densità Stato normale g/cm³ 2.1~2.35
Assorbimento di umidità Dip in distilled water at 20±2°C for 24 ore % ≤0.07
Temperatura operativa Camera di temperatura ad alta bassa ° C. -50°C~+260°C
Conducibilità termica W/m/k 0.45~0.55
Cte (tipico) -55~288°C (εr :2.5~2.9) ppm/° C. X: 16, Y: 20, Z: 170
Cte (tipico) -55~288°C (εr :2.9~3.0) ppm/° C. X: 12 Y: 15 Z: 90
Fattore di restringimento 2 ore in acqua bollente % <0.0002
Resistività superficiale DC, 500V, Stato normale ≥4*10^5
Resistività al volume Stato normale Mω · cm ≥6*10^6
Surface dielectric strength d = 1mm(Kv/mm) ≥1.2
Costante dielettrica 10GHz See table below
Fattore di dissipazione 10GHz See table below
PIMD (2.5GHz) db -160

UL Flammability Rating: 94 V-0

For more information or to place an order, please visit our website or contact us via email at

UGPCB Products:

UGPCB offers a wide range of products including:

  • Radio/Microwave/Hybrid High Frequency FR4 Double/Multi-Layer 1~3+N+3 HDI, Anylayer HDI, Rigid-Flex, Blind Buried Slotted, Backdrilled IC Heavy Copper Board, and more.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us through our website or send an inquiry directly to



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