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Shengyi IC Packaging Products: SI10U(S) - UGPCB

Elenco dei materiali PCB

Shengyi IC Packaging Products: SI10U(S)

Characteristics of SI10U

SI10U is characterized by its low coefficient of thermal expansion (Cte) and high modulus, which can effectively reduce the warpage of packaging substrates. It also boasts excellent heat and humidity resistance, good PCB processability, and is made from halogen-free materials.

Application Areas for SI10U

The application areas for SI10U include eMMC, DRAM, AP, PA, Dual CM, Fingerprint, and RF Module.

Specifications of SI10U

Items Conditions Unità SI10U(S)
Tg DMA gradi Celsius 280
Td 5% Wt. perdita gradi Celsius >400
Cte (X/Y-axis) Prima di tg ppm/grado Celsius 10
Cte (Asse Z.) α1/α2 ppm/grado Celsius 25/135
Costante dielettrica (1GHz)
Fattore di dissipazione (1GHz)
Forza della pelatura 1/3 OZ, VLP Cu N/mm 0.80
Solder Dipping @288 degree Celsius min >=30
Young’s Modulus 50 gradi Celsius GPa 26
Young’s Modulus 200 gradi Celsius GPa 23
Flexural Modulus (50 gradi Celsius) GPa 32
Flexural Modulus (200 gradi Celsius) GPa 27
Assorbimento d'acqua (UN) % 0.14
Assorbimento d'acqua (85 degree Celsius/85%RH,168Hr) % 0.35
Infiammabilità UL-94 Rating V-0
Conducibilità termica W/(m.K) 0.61
Colore Nero

Production Capabilities

UGPCB company has matured to use SI10U to produce IC Substrate boards in batches.



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