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Teflon pcb woven glass fabric materials - UGPCB

Elenco dei materiali PCB

Teflon pcb woven glass fabric materials

Specifiche tecniche

The Teflon PCB woven glass fabric materials are widely used for the anti-adhesive in molding. Here are the technical specifications:

Item Unità Feature
Substrate material Glass fiber
Coating material Ptfe
Effective wide mm 10–1000
Mass per unit g/㎡ 150, 210
Spessore mm 0.083, 0.13
Working temperature gradi Celsius -70–+260
Adhesive g/m 12
Adhesive type The silicone
Contenuto di resina 68
Transparency Scm/m/㎡ No through hole

Excellent Properties of Teflon PCB Woven Glass Fabric

Teflon PCB woven glass fabric materials possess a series of excellent properties:

High Temperature Resistance

Teflon PCB can withstand long-term use at temperatures ranging from 200 A 260 gradi Celsius.

Low Temperature Resistance

It remains soft even at temperatures as low as -100 gradi Celsius.

Corrosion Resistance

Teflon PCB is resistant to aqua regia and all organic solvents.

Weather Resistance

It has the best aging life among plastics.

High Lubrication

Teflon PCB has the smallest coefficient of friction among plastics (0.04).


Teflon PCB has the smallest surface tension among solid materials and does not adhere to any substances.

Physiologically Inert

It has excellent electrical properties and is an ideal C-level insulating material. Uno spesso strato di giornale può bloccare l'alta tensione di 1500 V; è più liscio del ghiaccio.



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