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ロジャース RO4003C + FR4 混合誘電体 RF PCB - そして


ロジャース RO4003C + FR4 混合誘電体 RF PCB

モデル : ロジャース RO4003C + FR4 混合誘電体 RF PCB

誘電率 : 3.38

構造 : 2Layers rogres ro4003c+2layers Fr4

層 : 4Layers pcb

仕上がり厚さ : 1.0mm

誘電体の厚さ :0.508mm

Material CoThickness½(18μm)HH/HH

Finished Co Thickness : 1/0.5/0.5/1(オズ)

表面処理 :Immersion Glod

応用 : 通信機器用基板

  • 製品詳細

UGPCB Company Specializes in RF PCB Manufacturing

UGPCB company specialized in RF PCB manufacturing for more than 17 中国に何年もいる. 私たちは、適切な RF 材料がボードのパフォーマンスに大きな影響を与えることを理解しています。. Parameters like RF microwave energy levels, 動作周波数, 使用温度範囲, 現在, and voltage are crucial when selecting suitable material for high-frequency PCB fabricating.

Material Expertise and Stock Assurance

Getting familiar with RF PCB material is one of our jobs. Check below material listing for reference. 迅速な配送を保証するために十分な在庫があります.

Quality Assurance and Customer Satisfaction

The confidence towards our product quality stems from our experienced engineers and production team, 当社のQA部門と緊密に協力して、適格な製品を提供します. More and more repeat orders speak to our customerssatisfaction. 品質は当社の中核的価値です, and we recognize its importance for long-term business. We are grateful to our customers for accompanying us in developing and improving our capacity and technical field over the past 17 年.

List of RF/Microwave PCB Materials

RF/Microwave PCB materials include Rogers RO4350B / RO3003 / RO4003 / RO3006 / RT/デュロイド 5880 / RT5870, and others like Arlon, イゾラ, タコニック, PTFE F4BM, and Teflon material.

Hybrid PCB Materials

Hybrid PCB materials (混合誘電体 / ラミネート) include Rogers RO4350B + FR4, RO4350B + IT180, RO4003C + FR4, RO3010 + FR4, RO3003 + FR4, and others.

RF Microwave PCB Applications and Specifications

RF Microwave PCBs are used in various fields such as Consumer Electronics, 軍事/宇宙, ハイパワー, 医学, 自動車, and Industrial. Specifications include surface finishing options like OSP, 同意する, ハスルLF, plated gold, フラッシュゴールド, immersion tin, immersion silver, electrolytic gold, and others. Capacity includes golden finger, heavy copper, blind/buried via, インピーダンス制御, 樹脂で満たされた, カーボンインク, バックドリル, 皿穴, 深さの穴あけ, 半メッキ穴, 圧入穴, 剥がせる青いマスク, 剥離可能なソルダストップ, 厚い銅, and oversize. Materials include Rogers RO4350B, RO3003, RO4003, RO3006, RT/デュロイド 5880, RT5870, アーロン, イゾラ, タコニック, PTFE F4BM, and Teflon. Layers range from 2L to 30L. 誘電率 (DK) values include 2.20, 2.55, 3.00, 3.38, 3.48, 3.50, 3.6, 6.15, そして 10.2. Applications include Consumer Electronics, 軍事/宇宙, アンテナ & 通信システム, ハイパワー, 医学, 自動車, 産業用, ハンドヘルドデバイス携帯電話, Wi-Fiアンテナ, テレマティクスとインフォテインメント, Wifi/Computing/Radar/Power.

Material Model Corresponding to RO4003C PCB

Material models corresponding to RO4003C PCB include RO4450F, 4450B BOND PLY 14X24 UNPUNCHED SHEET, 4450B BOND PLY 24X20 UNPUNCHED SHEET, and various others. Note that RO4003C is not UL certified.

Copper Foil Manufacturing Changes Due to EU and REACH Regulations

Copper foil manufacturers are eliminating the use of arsenic acid in their manufacturing processes under EU and REACH regulations. This legislation made it difficult to use arsenic compounds in the manufacture of copper foil and ultimately banned the purchase of arsenic completely in the European Union. The Rogers RO4003C PCB material is affected by this, and the standard electrodeposited copper foil used for RO4003C PCB material will be replaced by a new grade of copper foil that complies with EU regulations during 2020.



