プリント基板設計, PCB製造, PCB アセンブリ, PECVD, ワンストップサービスを使用したコンポーネントの選択

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CT338 PCB RF 基板

CT338 RF PCB Material

CT338 RF PCB Material

CT338 RF PCB 材料は、厳格な製造プロセスによりセラミックとガラス繊維布で作られています。. 熱硬化性の素材です, 4Gに適しています, 5G, 基地局アンテナ, WIMAX アンテナ ネットワーク, 自動車レーダーとセンサー, パワーアンプ, microwave devices, high-reliability radar, military communication devices, satellite tuners, 等.

CT338 RF PCB Material and Features

1. Organic polymer ceramic glass fiber cloth is a thermosetting resin system, which has better hardness than PTFE thermoplastic resin system and good loss value.

2. Excellent PIM index when matching with reverse copper foil.

3. DK and DF values are stable, and DK/DF changes little with the increase in frequency.

4. It has excellent electrical performance, excellent heat conduction, and better insulation performance and heat treatment capacity than PTFE materials.

5. It can be compatible with the processing technology of FR-4 and does not need plasma treatment. The processing technology is relatively simple and can be compatible with most PP chips. The PCB has excellent processability, especially suitable for the processing of PCB multilayer boards.

6. Low thermal expansion coefficient improves the reliability and dimensional stability of plated through-hole.

7. Especially suitable for the lead-free welding process.

CT338 RF PCB substrate parameter table

CT338 RF PCB substrate parameter table

CT338 RF PCB Material

Why choose UGPCB for RF PCB manufacturing?

UGPCB has more than ten years of experience in RF PCB manufacturing, and UGPCB professionals have professional knowledge of PCB manufacturing based on RF PCB materials. UGPCB has been committed to providing RF PCB manufacturing for various products around the world. UGPCBは顧客に満足のいくサービスを提供し、顧客との長期的な協力関係を確立します.



