그리고,PCB, PCBA 및 PECVD 맞춤화, 프로토타이핑 및 제조 생산자

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서버 전원 백플레인 PCB 프로토타입 - 그리고

표준 PCB 설계/

서버 전원 백플레인 PCB 프로토타입

이름: Server Power Backplane PCB

그릇: KB6167F

판 두께: 1.6mm

레이어: 2엘

크기: 78.26*61.3mm

최소 조리개: 0.281mm

선폭/모멘트: 0.21*0.186mm

동박 두께: 1/1온스

표면 처리: lead-free spray tin

솔더 마스크/캐릭터: 녹색 기름 흰색 문자

  • 제품 세부정보

Introduction to Backplanes

The backplane is similar to the motherboard of a computer. It is ubiquitous in large PC network servers and other computer systems with frequent processor upgrades.

Difference Between Backplane and Motherboard

In a sense, a backplane motherboard doesn’t have a real motherboard. 사실은, on a backplane motherboard, the components that would normally be found on the motherboard would be placed on the expansion adapter server Raid controller card instead inserted into the slot.

What is a Server Backplane?

The backplane is a printed circuit board, similar to a server motherboard, but it doesn’t have onboard storage and processing power. Boards with slots are called backplanes rather than motherboards. Systems using such circuits are called backplane systems.

Types of Backplanes

  • Passive Backplane: Essentially a socket for memory cards, processor cards, and other component boards.
  • Active Backplane: Equipped with bus control and other circuits.

The backplane typically has components on the motherboard for expansion that connect to the slotted adapter cards.

Backplane Components

A backplane is nothing more than a piece of paper with slots for interconnects in it, without any major chips in it other than the motherboard. Server power conditioning circuit. The backplane is limited to a single type of bus that connects various cards.

Durability of Backplanes

The life of the backplane is directly related to the condition of the connector. Some connectors can withstand hundreds of insertions or removals, depending on the quality of their connectors.

Features of Backplanes

Backplanes are preferred over cables because they don’t suffer from the same bending issues that exist in cables.

Server Backplane Connectors

They connect to the backplane to perform different tasks. 유연성, modularity, and ease of use make these connectors ideal for designing custom computer solutions. In contrast to motherboards, server backplanes are not considered to contain active components, such as microprocessors. This misunderstanding may stem from the fact that the backplane connector is connected to a single board computer system or the motherboard of the system host. The system operates as a motherboard.

Backplane Design Challenges

Signal Quality

There is a problem with the design of the backplane connectors; they cannot handle the signal quality. When the signal comes in through the external server, it goes through the traces on the daughter card and then through the backplane connector.

As our need for speed continues to grow, backplane connectors can steer signals in the right direction. Increased data transfer speeds and smaller, denser data pipes can lead to reduced signal integrity. Simply put, it is too much, too fast, and too small.

Causes of Signal Decomposition

What exactly is going on with the signal that causes it to decompose at an extremely high rate? Digital signals use precisely measured voltage changes to represent information. In digital circuits, this voltage change is called apulse”.

  • Pulse Characteristics: The pulse begins with anoffstate representing zero. It then increases to a certain level of voltage (“onone or one) for a specific period (pulse length). The pulse then returns in theoffdirection.
  • Signal Integrity: In theory, a perfect pulse has precisely marked voltage changes. Real pulses cannot function this way. The voltages they produce tend to rise gradually and then be easily distorted.

If a particular pulse is affected by any of these reasons (low tension at high speeds, 누화, or impedance), the system may not accurately reflect the digital signal. The result may be that the data sent does not match the data received.


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