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Rogers ro3006 PCB High Frequency Circuit Material - UGPCB

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Rogers ro3006 PCB High Frequency Circuit Material

Rogers ro3006 PCB High Frequency Circuit Material

Rogers ro3006 is a PTFE composite with ceramic filler designed for high-frequency applications. This material offers exceptional temperature stability and mechanical reliability, making it suitable for a wide range of commercial microwave and RF circuits.

Dielectric Constant Stability

The dielectric constant of Rogers ro3006 exhibits high temperature stability, with a thermal stability coefficient (z direction) of -3ppm/°C between -50°C and +150°C at 10 GHz. The material also maintains high frequency stability, ensuring consistent performance across broad frequency ranges. At room temperature, there is no step change in the dielectric constant, providing reliable electrical properties.

Low Dielectric Loss

Rogers ro3006 demonstrates very low dielectric loss, measured at 0.0013 at 10 GHz, which is crucial for maintaining signal integrity in high-frequency applications.

Thermal Expansion Coefficient

Thanks to its composite nature, Rogers ro3006 has a thermal expansion coefficient in the X and Y directions of 17ppm/°C, equivalent to that of copper. This results in minimal etching shrinkage (less than 0.5mil/inch), ensuring excellent dimensional stability even in harsh environments up to 25ppm/Z.


With its superior electrical and mechanical stability, Rogers ro3006 is ideal for various commercial microwave and RF circuits, including automotive radar, GPS satellite antennas, amplificadores de potência, cellular communication system antennas, live satellite data links, cable system data links, remote meter reading devices, and power backplanes.

Rogers ro3000 Family of PTFE Ceramics

The Rogers ro3000 family comprises several PTFE ceramic variants, including ro3003, ro3010, and ro3035, each with different dielectric constants ranging from 3.0 para 10.2. Despite these variations, they share uniform mechanical stability, preventing warping or reliability issues when used in multilayer circuit designs.

Microwave Radio Frequency PCB

For those interested in microwave radio frequency PCBs, further information can be found here: Microwave Circuit.



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