Shengyi S1000-2 is a Laminate, while S1000-2B is the matching Prepreg (PP). S1000-2 is an FR4 PCB material with Low CTE, Excellent thermal resistance, and Hi-Tg.
Shengyi S1000-2 features:
- Available for lead-free PCB process, meeting IPC-4101B/126 requirements.
- High Tg PCB, with TG=170 degree Celsius (DSC), UV Blocking, and AOI compatible.
- High thermal performance, with Td≥340 degree Celsius, T288>20min, T300>5min.
- Low Z-axis CTE from ambient to 260 degree Celsius.
- Excellent chemical resistance and lower water absorption.
- Excellent CAF resistance.
Shengyi S1000-2 applications:
- Suitable for high-count layer PCB.
- Suitable for multilayer with heavy inner copper.
- Suitable for multi-layer PCB with BGA.
- Application for high layer count with high aspect ratio (>1:8).
- Widely used in computer, equipamento de comunicação, precise apparatus and instrument, router, and etc.
General Properties
(Note: The following sections are repeated and should be consolidated or removed in the final version)
- S1000-2 General Property
- S1000-2 Decomposition Temperature (Td)
- S1000-2 Z-axis Coefficient of thermal expansion Test
- S1000-2 T-288 Test
- S1000-2 T-300 Test
- S1000-2 Excellent anti-CAF performance
- S1000-2 Through-Hole reliability (Q1000)
- S1000-2 Permittivity and Loss Tangent
Prepreg Availability and Processing
- S1000-2B Prepreg Availability
- S1000-2B Press Cycle
- S1000-2B Press Parameters
- S1000-2B Desmear Parameters
- S1000-2 Drill Parameters
IPCB Usage
S1000-2 is a commonly used material of UGPCB, and UGPCB has made a large number of stocks. S1000-2 is usually used by UGPCB in double-layer PCB and multi-layer PCB with less than 10 camadas.
Products Produced by S1000-2
Products produced by S1000-2 include Mobile Phone HDI PCB and P2.9 led printed circuit board.