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Material PCB Synamic 6N de alta velocidade da SYTECH - UGPCB

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Material PCB Synamic 6N de alta velocidade da SYTECH

Material PCB Synamic 6N de alta velocidade da SYTECH

Material PCB Synamic 6N de alta velocidade da SYTECH

The lowest dielectric loss factor (Df) in high-speed products is -0.0019, and the lowest dielectric constant (Dk) é -3.28. Synamic 8GN is an extremely low loss, high heat resistant layer, halogen-free multilayer circuit board material used in high-speed circuits. Shengyi Company has two types of high-speed products that reach the M7 level, namely Synamic8GN and Synamic6N, while most of the other high-speed PCB products are at the M4 level.

Synamic 6N Features

Alta Tg 205 ℃ (DMA), low Dk/Df, better heat resistance, Td>400 ℃, T300>60min, lower Z-axis thermal expansion coefficient, excellent through-hole reliability, lower water absorption, excellent moisture and heat resistance, compatible with lead-free processes

Shengyi High speed PCB material Synamic 6N Datasheet

Shengyi High speed PCB material Synamic 6N Datasheet

Synamic 6N application field

Ultra high-speed network equipment, servidores, switches, storage, routers, base station BBUs, high-performance computers, high-frequency measurement instruments, optical communication products

Shengyi is a global core supplier of electronic circuit substrates that integrates research and development, produção, sales, and services. Shengyi Company is mainly engaged in the design, produção, and sales of copper-clad plates and bonding sheets, Placas de circuito impresso, and the production of high-end electronic materials such as copper-clad plates, semi-cured sheets, insulation laminates, metal-based copper-clad plates, resin coated copper foils, and covering films.

Shengyi Company has currently developed a full range of high-speed PCBs with different dielectric losses, different dielectric application requirements, and multiple technical routes for high-frequency circuit board materials, and has achieved batch application of multiple varieties.



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