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GPS Base Station PCB/PCBA Design

Имя: GPS Base Station PCB/PCBA Design

Designable layers: 1-32 слои

Minimum line width and line spacing: 3мил

Minimum laser aperture: 4мил

Minimum mechanical aperture: 8мил

Copper foil thickness: 18-175цm (standard: 18цm35цm70цm)

Peel strength: 1.25N/mm

Minimum punching hole diameter: single side: 0.9mm/35mil

Minimum hole diameter: 0.25mm/10mil

Aperture tolerance: ≤φ0.8mm±0.05mm

Hole tolerance: ±0.05mm

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Definition of Base Station

What is a Base Station?

A base station is a GPS receiver that collects GPS measurements at a known location. Its main components are an antenna, a GPS receiver, and a device that records GPS datausually a personal computer.

How Base Stations Work

How Does a Base Station Work?

The base station connects the call to the fixed line network. Depending on the type of call, it will be directed to another mobile phone or landline phone. A base station consists of an antenna connected by a cable to an electronic (radio) device usually located in a room orshelter”.



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