UGPCB Company Specialized in RF PCB Manufacturing
UGPCB company specialized with the RF PCB manufacturing for more than 17 годы в Китае. We know how much the proper RF material would affect the performance of the board. The parameters such as RF microwave energy levels, рабочая частота, диапазон рабочих температур, current, and voltage are of great importance when choosing the suitable material for the high-frequency PCB fabricating. Getting familiar with those RF PCB materials is one of our jobs. Check below material listing for reference. We have enough of them in stock to ensure fast delivery.
Quality Assurance and Customer Satisfaction
The confidence towards our product quality comes from our experienced engineers and production team. Они тесно сотрудничают с нашим отделом контроля качества, чтобы предоставить качественный продукт.. We didn’t expect to achieve a big thumbs-up from our customers, but more and more repeat orders speak to their satisfaction. Качество – основная ценность нашей компании. We know the importance of quality for long-term business. Thanks very much to our customers who have accompanied us in developing and improving our capacity and technical field for the past 17 годы.
Rogers and Other Materials
Материал печатной платы ВЧ/СВЧ: Роджерс RO4350B / РО3003 / РО4003 / РО3006 / RT/Дуроид 5880 / RT5870, и т. д.. Арлон / Изола / Таконик / ПТФЭ F4BM / Teflon material should also not be forgotten.
Hybrid PCB Materials
Гибридный материал печатной платы (Смешанный диэлектрик / Ламинат): Роджерс RO4350B + ФР4 / РО4350Б + ИТ180 / РО4003C + ФР4 / РО3010 + ФР4 / РО3003 + ФР4 / РО3010 + ФР4, и т. д..
Applications and Surface Finishing
ВЧ-микроволновые печатные платы (печатная плата) are used in various fields, such as Consumer Electronics / Военный/Космос / Высокая мощность / Медицинский / Автомобильная промышленность / Промышленный, и т. д.. Surface finishing options include OSP / СОГЛАШАТЬСЯ / ХАСЛ ЛФ / Позолоченное золото / вспышка золота / Погружная банка / Иммерсионное серебро / Электролитическое золото.
Capacity and Material
Емкость: Золотой палец / Тяжелая медь / Слепой похоронен через / impedance control / filled with resin / углеродные чернила / обратное сверление / зенковать / глубинное бурение / полузакрытое отверстие / прессовое отверстие / отслаиваемая синяя маска / отслаиваемая паяльная пробка / толстая медь / негабаритный. Материал: Роджерс RO4350B / РО3003 / РО4003 / РО3006 / RT/Дуроид 5880 / RT5870, and Arlon / Изола / Таконик / ПТФЭ F4BM / Teflon material, и т. д..
Layer and Dielectric Constant
Слой: 2L, 4L, 6L, 8L, 10L, 12L, 14L, 16L, 18L, 20L, 22L, 24L, 26L, 28L, 30L. Диэлектрическая проницаемость (ДК): 2.20 / 2.55 / 3.00 / 3.38 / 3.48 / 3.50 / 3.6 / 6.15 / 10.2.
Приложение: Бытовая электроника / Военный/Космос / Антенна & Система связи / Высокая мощность / Медицинский / Автомобильная промышленность / Промышленный / Портативное устройство сотовой связи / Wi-Fi антенна / Телематика и информационно-развлекательные системы / Wi-Fi/вычисления/радары/усилители мощности.
Introduction to Automotive Locator
Automotive locator, also known as automobile positioning tracker, is mainly a car anti-theft GPS positioning product. The functions of an automobile location tracker generally include SMS location, time location, network query, remote monitoring, and remote car lock.
Features of the Smallest Anti-theft GPS Tracker
The smallest anti-theft GPS positioning tracker in the world. Today’s Tong automobile positioning tracker is only the size of a matchbox. It is free of disassembly of internal lines. It can be positioned simply by connecting the positive and negative lines of the automobile battery. It can keep track of the three-month driving route of the vehicle in real-time. It can print a Chinese address report and automatically locate the vehicle in real-time. It can be timed, positioned, and tracked to monitor the car’s routine behavior. It doesn’t require professional technicians to install it. It’s easy and can be done by anyone in 5 минуты.
Real-Time Tracking and Location Query
If the target vehicle is stolen, stolen, robbed, or other emergencies occur, you can use a mobile phone or computer to query the location of the vehicle and track and locate the moving route of the vehicle in real-time, so that you can easily find your car and catch the thieves smoothly.
GPS Positioning Monitoring Framework
The GPS positioning monitoring framework is a three-tier networked comprehensive monitoring system composed of a GPS terminal, сеть передачи, and monitoring center. It provides functions such as anti-theft, anti-robbery, route monitoring, real-time wireless transmission of video images inside and outside the vehicle, rapid response to accidents, call command, и т. д., to solve the dynamic management problems of existing vehicles.