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4-layer TG150 PCB

Имя: TG150 PCB circuit board

Материал: TG150

Слои: four layers

Drilling diameter: 0.2мм

Minimum line width: 0.08мм

Minimum line spacing: 0.1мм

Процесс: Погружение Золото

Функции: Compared with TG130, the heat resistance, moisture resistance, chemical resistance, stability and other characteristics of PCB printed boards will be improved

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Definition of TG150 PCB

The tg150 printed circuit board refers to the circuit board developed with the tg150 board.

Glass Transition Temperature (TG) Объяснение

What is TG?

TG usually means glass transition temperature, and it refers to the stable, reversible change of an amorphous material from a solidglass-likestate to a rubbery and viscous state when a temperature higher than expected is applied.

Comparison with Melting Temperature

While TG generally proves to be lower than the melting temperature of the corresponding crystalline material state.

Properties of Glass Transition Temperature Materials

Glass transition temperature materials typically appear as flame resistant materials, deforming/melting within a specific temperature range.

TG150 PCB as a Medium TG Material

tg150 PCB is a medium TG material because its temperature range is higher than 130 degrees Celsius to 140 degrees Celsius, but lower than 170 degrees Celsius or higher.

Importance of TG in PCB Stability

Note that the higher the TG of the substrate (usually epoxy), the more stable the PCB (УГКПБ) will be.



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