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Изола 370 часов

Изола 370 часов: The Premier Choice for High-Reliability Applications

Электронная промышленность постоянно развивается, требовательные материалы, отвечающие постоянно растущим стандартам надежности, тепловые характеристики, и простота обработки. Polyclad’s isola 370hr stands out as the industry-leading, стандартный убыток, thermally robust epoxy laminate and prepreg designed specifically for high-reliability applications across diverse markets.

Innovative Design and Manufacturing

isola 370hr laminates and prepregs are manufactured using a patented high-performance 180°C Tg FR-4 multifunctional epoxy resin system. This unique system is tailored for multilayer PCB applications where maximum thermal performance and reliability are paramount. Polyclad employs high-quality E-glass fabric in the manufacturing process, ensuring superior Conductive Anodic Filament (Каф) сопротивление.

Superior Thermal and Mechanical Properties

isola 370hr offers exceptional thermal performance with a Low Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (КТР). Its mechanical, химический, and moisture resistance properties equal or exceed the capabilities of traditional FR-4 materials. The laminate’s CTE values are notably low, with a Z-axis CTE of 2.8% от 50 to 260°C, and X/Y-axis CTE of 13/14 ppm/°C pre-Tg. These attributes make isola 370hr ideal for applications requiring stringent thermal management and stability.

Proven Performance Across Various Designs

isola 370hr has been utilized in thousands of PWB designs, demonstrating its superiority in thermal reliability, Производительность CAF, and ease of processing. Its proven performance in sequential lamination designs further solidifies its position as the best-in-class material for high-reliability applications.

Key Property Values and Test Methods

Температура стеклянного перехода (Тг) and Decomposition Temperature (Тд)

  • Температура стеклянного перехода (Тг) by DSC: 180°С
  • Decomposition Temperature (Тд) by TGA @ 5% weight loss: 340°С

These temperatures indicate isola 370hr’s exceptional thermal stability and durability.

Thermal and Mechanical Resistance

  • Time to Delaminate by TMA (Copper removed):
    • T260: 60 минуты
    • T288: 30 минуты
  • Z-Axis CTE:
    • Pre-Tg: 45 ppm/° C.
    • Post-Tg: 230 ppm/° C.
    • 50 to 260°C (Total Expansion): 2.8%
  • X/Y-Axis CTE (Pre-Tg): 13/14 ppm/° C.
  • Теплопроводность: 0.4 W/m·K

These properties ensure that isola 370hr can withstand extreme temperatures and mechanical stresses without compromising performance.

Электрические характеристики

  • Диэлектрическая проницаемость (Дк) and Loss Tangent (Дф):
    • Dk @ 1 ГГц: 4.17
    • Df @ 1 ГГц: 0.0161
  • Объемный удельное сопротивление:
    • After moisture resistance: 3.0 х 108 MΩ-cm
    • At elevated temperature: 7.0 х 108 MΩ-cm
  • Поверхностное удельное сопротивление:
    • After moisture resistance: 3.0 х 106 МОм
    • At elevated temperature: 2.0 х 108 МОм
  • Диэлектрический разрыв: >50 кв
  • Дуговое сопротивление: 115 секунды
  • Electric Strength (Ламинат & laminated prepreg): 54 kV/mm (1350 V/mil)

These electrical properties make isola 370hr suitable for applications requiring high electrical insulation and performance.

Mechanical Strength and Durability

  • Прочность на гибкость:
    • Length direction: 90.0 KSI
    • Cross direction: 77.0 KSI
  • Tensile Strength:
    • Length direction: 55.9 KSI
    • Cross direction: 35.6 KSI
  • Young’s Modulus:
    • Length direction: 3744 KSI
    • Cross direction: 3178 KSI
  • Poisson’s Ratio:
    • Length direction: 0.177
    • Cross direction: 0.171
  • Прочность на очистку:
    • Low profile copper foil: 1.14 N/мм (6.5 lb/inch)
    • Standard profile copper: 1.25 N/мм (7.0 lb/inch)
  • Влажно -поглощение: 0.15%

These mechanical properties confirm isola 370hr’s robustness and durability, ensuring long-term performance in harsh environments.

Safety and Compliance

  • Воспламеняемость (Ламинат & laminated prepreg): В-0 Рейтинг (UL 94)
  • Relative Thermal Index (RTI): 130°С (UL 796)

Compliance with these safety standards underscores isola 370hr’s reliability and suitability for high-risk applications.


isola 370hr is undeniably the industry leader in high-reliability applications, combining innovative design, superior thermal and mechanical properties, proven performance, and stringent safety compliance. Its versatility across diverse markets and applications makes it the preferred choice for engineers seeking the best-in-class material for their high-performance needs.



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