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Материал печатной платы Taconic

Taconic is an American company. Taconic is one of the largest producers of PTFE copper-clad laminate in the world. It owns the patent for evenly coating PTFE on glass woven cloth and is one of the technology leaders in the PTFE microwave copper-clad laminate industry. Taconic materials are originally produced in the United States, и диэлектрическая постоянная 2.17-10.00 can be selected by customers themselves.

Taconic PCB Substrate Company

Taconic PCB Substrate Company

Since the establishment of American Taconic in 1961, Taconic has been the global leading company in the Teflon product industry, exporting to about 40 countries. The main products are divided into industrial materials (ИПД), high-performance insulating materials (ADD) and building materials fiber weaving department (AFD).

Taconic PCB materials provide PTFE/woven glass fiber woven boards for microwave, радиочастота (РФ) and high-speed digital signal processing markets. Taconic PCB material can be used in LNAs, LNBs, PCS/PCN antenna systems, Global Positioning System (GPS) and UMTS antenna systems, as well as power amplifiers, пассивные компоненты, collision avoidance radar systems, aviation guidance aid remote control technology and phased array radar systems.

The characteristics of Taconic PCB material are:

Long antenna size (102 inches or 2591mm)

– Низкая потеря (0.0009 @ 10GHz)

Stable dielectric constant (+/- 0.02)

The flatness of the copper sheet surface is 0.0015mm

Strong adhesion (>10 lb/in)

Use smooth copper sheet (calendered copper sheet)

Reverse copper sheet to improve PIM

Very low water absorption

Most products can be used at the aerospace level

Low-cost delivery

Common models of Taconic PCB

Tly-3, ТЛИ-5, tly-5a, TLX-6, TLX-7, TLX-8, TLX-9, TLX-0, TLA-6, TLE-95, TLC-30, TLC-32

RF-301, RF-30, TSM-DS3, TLF-35A, RF-35, RF-35A2



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