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Teflon woven glass fabric copper-clad laminates

Teflon Woven Glass Fabric Copper-Clad Laminates

Teflon woven glass fabric copper-clad laminates are formulated with varnished glass cloth, prepreg, and Teflon PCB resin through scientific formulation and strict technology procedures. These materials offer several advantages over the F4B series in terms of electrical performance, including a wider range of dielectric constants, low dielectric loss angle tangent, increased resistance, and more stable performance.

Технические спецификации


The appearance meets the specification requirements for microwave PCB baseplates specified in National and Military Standards.


  • F4BM220
  • F4BM255
  • F4BM265
  • F4BM300
  • F4BM350


  • 2.20
  • 2.55
  • 2.65
  • 3.0
  • 3.50

Размеры (мм)

  • 300*250
  • 350*380
  • 440*550
  • 500*500
  • 460*610
  • 600*500
  • 840*840
  • 840*1200
  • 1500*1000

Для особых измерений, customized lamination is available.

Толщина и толерантность (мм)

Plate Thickness Толерантность
0.25 ±0.02~±0.04
1.5 ±0.05~±0.07

Plate thickness includes the copper thickness. Для особых измерений, customized lamination is available.

Механические свойства


Plate Thickness(мм) Maximum Angularity mm/mm
Оригинальная доска Single-sided board
0.25~ 0,5 0.03
0.8~ 1.0 0.025
1.5~ 2.0 0.020
3.0~ 5.0 0.015

Cutting/ Punching Property

  • For plates <1мм, no burrs after cutting, minimum space between two punching holes is 0.55mm, no separation.
  • For plates ≥1mm, no burrs after cutting, minimum space between two punching holes is 1.10mm, no separation.

Прочность на очистку

  • In normal state: ≥18N/cm; no bubbling, no separation, and peel strength ≥15 N/cm when in the environment of constant humidity and temperature and kept in the melting solder of 260 degree Celsius±2 degree Celsius for 20 секунды.

Химические свойства

According to different properties of baseplates, the chemical etching method for PCB can be used for the circuit processing, the dielectric properties of materials are not changed and the holes can be metallized.

Электрические свойства

Names Test Conditions Единица Технические характеристики
Gravity Нормальное состояние g/cm3 2.2~ 2.3
Water absorption rate Dip in distilled water of 20±2 degree Celsius for 24 часы % ≤0.02
Рабочая температура Камера высокой температуры градус Цельсия -50~+260
Thermal conductivity coefficient Kcal /m .h. градус Цельсия 0.8
Coefficient of thermal expansion Temperature rise of 96 degree Celsius per hour Coefficient of thermal expansion*1 ≤5*10^-5
Shrinkage factor Two hours in boiling water % 0.0002
Сопротивление поверхностной изоляции 500В Вашингтоне Нормальное состояние МОм
Constant humidity and temperature ≥1*10^3
Объемное сопротивление Нормальное состояние МОм.см ≥1*10^6
Constant humidity and temperature ≥1*10^5
Pin resistance 500В Вашингтоне Нормальное состояние МОм
Constant humidity and temperature ≥1*10^3
Surface dielectric strength Нормальное состояние δ=1mm(kV/mm) ≥1.2
Constant humidity and temperature ≥1.1
Permittivity 10ГХЗ er 2.20
Dielectric loss angle tangent 10ГХЗ tgδ ≤7*10^-4

UGPCB has produced Teflon woven glass fabric copper-clad laminates products steadily. If you need them, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с УГКПБ.



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